Damiano Marsili

I'm a Ph.D student at Caltech advised by Georgia Gkioxari and Pietro Perona.

Before my Ph.D, I was an Applied Science Intern at Amazon Rootics working on 3D spatial reasoning. Prior to that, I double-majored at Johns Hopkins in Computer Science and Mathematics.

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I'm interested in Computer Vision and pushing the boundaries of recognition. Most of my research involves perception beyond natural language descriptions and representation learning in 3D.

I'm best reachable via email at marsilid22 at gmail dot com.


  • [Sep. 2023] Started my Ph.D at Caltech working with Georgia Gkioxari and Pietro Perona.
  • [Jun. 2023] Started an internship at Amazon Robotics working on 3D Spatial Reasoning
  • [May 2023] Graduated with a double major in Computer Science and Mathematics.
  • [Aug. 2020] Started my undegraduate at Johns Hopkins.


VADAR: Visual Agentic AI for Spatial Reasoning with a Dynamic API
Damiano Marsili, Rohun Agrawal, Yisong Yue, Georgia Gkioxari
arXiv, 2025
project page / arXiv / code / bibtex

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